Django and Flask Essentials: The Main Components
Frameworks provide a structured environment for web development, making it easier to handle common tasks like routing, templating, and database interaction.Django:
Django is a high-level framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It includes an ORM, an admin panel, and built-in authentication, Used for Large-scale web applications, e-commerce sites, content management systems.Flask:
Flask is a lightweight, micro-framework that gives developers fine-grained control over how applications are built. Used for Small to medium-sized applications, APIs, and services.FastAPI:
FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance) web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints., used for High-performance APIs, microservices, asynchronous applications.Routing:
Routing is the mechanism by which web applications determine how to respond to a client request based on the URL and HTTP method.Templating:
Templating allows developers to separate the application logic from the presentation layer. Templates are HTML files with placeholders for dynamic content.ORM (Object-Relational Mapping):
ORMs allow developers to interact with the database using Python code instead of raw SQL queries.Authentication and Authorization:
Managing user authentication (login/logout) and authorization (permissions) is essential for most web applications.RESTful APIs:
Creating APIs that adhere to REST principles is common in modern web development.